Thursday, December 29, 2011

I've Gone Craftin Crazy!

Since I am on Christmas Break from school I have been hitting the blogs and Pinterest like crazy. I have found so many great ideas to fill my time. I alternate between cool crafts to work on to blogs that teach some since of organization. Here are some things I have been working on.

Here are some ornaments made from paper towel rolls. I couldn't believe how quick and easy they were. I added a few red buttons to the middle to look like red berries. I love the homemade look.

Found a great organization blog called I loved all the great organizing tips. I have seen this before, but for some reason I was able to get it done this time. So I went to the 99 Cents store and found this baskets to organize my containers. Amazing how much stuff could actually be thrown away when you sit down and dig in there. I categorized them into baskets labeled: Dishes, All-Purpose Cleaners, Dusting/Glass, Mopping/Carpet/Stain Remover. Something so simple can make a life so easy.



I found this on Pinterest. I am now in love with Jute wrapped anything! I love the rustic look of it and it is so inexpensive! So I am going to start wrapping everything I love it!

Monday, December 26, 2011

We made it!

Just looked at my last post...yep..almost a month ago. I knew that would happen. I would get sucked into life as we know it during the holidays and there you go, I already stopped writing. But I feel renewed today. We made it through this beautiful Christmas holiday! New Year's is on the horizon! Fresh starts and regenerated spirit. I am looking forward to it!

I wanted to post a pic of one of my new Christmas presents from the hubby. I love cookbooks, but for some reason I haven't had the time/interest/desire to really get in depth into cooking lately. BUT! My husband just might have rekindled it! He bought me John Besh's "My Family Table". I am in love (yes, with a book). But it is written with family in mind and has some amazing recipes. I can't wait to try them out!